Current Board Members

Parker County ESD #6 is governed by a board of directors who handle business matters, approve our annual budget, and handle personnel matters. Board members are appointed every 2 years on a rotating basis by the Parker County Commissioners Court.

President: Donna Tillman
Vice-President: Tim Lewelling
Treasurer:  Tom Huffhines
Vice Treasurer: Scott Harrison
Secretary: Rick Dalton
Commissioner: Tom Huffines

Fire Chief: George Teague
Deputy Chief: Nick Wells
Captain: Brendon Raymon
Lieutenant: Jason Fry

List of Members

Your Parker County ESD #6 has around 30 members. Each individual member of the team has various certifications that allow them to handle a wide variety of calls and responsibilities. Which then allows the team to serve you better!

Current Leadership Members:

  • George Teague Fire Chief
  • Nick Wells Deputy Chief

If you are interested in joining our department please feel free to contact Deputy Nick Wells at nwellspcesd6@gmail.com.